Interviewing to Get the Job … Question: ‘Why do you want this position?’

Interviewing to Get the Job … Question: ‘Why do you want this position?’

“To use my IT skills to their best advantage,” is an okay answer, but it doesn’t tell an employer much about you and what you offer. What they really want to find out is how well you’ve researched the company and the position. They may also be looking to see whether you understand the company or industry as a whole. IT personnel who understand the business or industry have a much greater chance of beating out another candidate with similar technical skills.

To prepare for this question, visit the company’s website before the interview. Read the corporate newsletter, look over an annual report to understand the company’s business model, and check out articles about the company in the trade press. This will allow you to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework, but beyond that, that you understand the company’s challenges or accomplishments. If you were involved in a successful project that solved problems or dealt with issues similar to the ones facing this company, bring it up to score extra interview points.

To prepare for this question, visit the company’s website before the interview. Read the corporate newsletter, look over an annual report to understand the company’s business model, and check out articles about the company in the trade press. 

Sharon Boerbon Hanson is associate executive director of Advance IT Minnesota, a Center of Excellence that promotes awareness of and excellence in IT careers in order to ensure business success. She has over 25 years’ experience marketing and brand-building, and has been a resume and interview coach 15 years.

Avoid Interview Tricks, Traps, and Pitfalls

Employers are looking for “must haves.” Present yourself as a “must have” by avoiding the tricks, traps, and pitfalls that trip up many people during interviews. For each question the employer asks, you want to answer in a way that positions you as the most desirable candidate.