Interviewing to Get the Job:  “Aren’t you overqualified for this position?”

Interviewing to Get the Job: “Aren’t you overqualified for this position?”

By Sharon Boerbon Hanson


This is a potential eliminator question as the interview may be fearful you’ll grow bored and leave.


You want to forestall that fear by positioning your experience as an advantage, not a problem.


Tell the interviewer your benefits: “Owing to my experience in [pertinent area] I will be able to contribute right away and most likely in ways beyond what is expected for the job description. I am looking for the right place to contribute and I believe this is that place. I offer stability, dedication, and skills maturity and most importantly, the desire for a long-term commitment.”


Sharon Boerbon Hanson is associate executive director of Advance IT Minnesota, a Center of Excellence that promotes awareness of and excellence in IT careers in order to ensure business success. She has over 25 years’ experience marketing and brand-building, and has been a resume and interview coach 15 years.