Glassdoor reveals salaries, employee satisfaction by gender among 25 top tech companies

Glassdoor reveals salaries, employee satisfaction by gender among 25 top tech companies

Salary, satisfaction comparison among men and women at 25 large tech companies

Within the tech industry this year, several companies from Amazon to Facebook to Twitter have publicly released their workforce diversity demographics. In the spirit of promoting transparency and equality within the workplace, Glassdoor turned to its salary and company ratings database to find out how compensation and employee satisfaction compare between men and women at a sample of 25 of the largest tech companies.

Some highlights:

  • There is a $6,000 discrepancy in median base salary when comparing women ($94,967, 3.2 years of experience) to men ($101,006, 3.3 years experience) in the software development engineer role at Microsoft.
  • In some of these jobs, however, women report earning more than men. At Google, for example, women software engineers report earning an annual base salary of $117,740 (and report 3.5 years experience), more than $4,000 more than men ($113,548, with 3.9 years experience) in the same role.
  • At just four of the 25 tech companies (Texas Instruments, Epic Systems, Hewlett-Packard and Intel), women are more satisfied with their jobs and their company.
  • Men are more satisfied at 15 of the 25 companies in this report (including Citrix and National Instruments), and there are six companies where men and women report the same level of satisfaction with their job and company.